International Shipping - Know The Paperwork!

Even as a start-up brand you still have huge potential for overseas customers – many UK brands often fare better in the US, Far East or the Middle East before they gain traction in their home country. In order to take advantage of the global market, it is necessary to plan for overseas shipping from the start, or you will miss out on fulfilling this potential.

There are logistical challenges to overseas shipping which you need to find out early on, or it could stop you from growing or result in difficulties later. Really research your shipping options and make sure you understand the different paperwork and documents you need to complete. Over the years I have seen too many brands lose their product in shipping because they didn’t complete the paperwork correctly. An example was a young designer who shipped two pairs of shoes to one of her New York store clients, but as she failed to complete the correct paperwork they were held at customs. She was fined for trying to ‘smuggle’ in goods without paying the right duties and taxes – a hefty fine of $600 for two pairs of shoes that were only worth $300.