Pending B-Corp Status – Part 2

Certified B Corp

The requirements of Pending B-Corp Status are:-

  • Meet the legal accountability requirement for B Corp Certification

    Incorporate stakeholder consideration into the legal structure of your start-up to set the company on the road to creating long-term value for shareholders and stakeholders. There’s no simpler time to meet this requirement than in the start-up stage

  • Complete and submit a prospective B Impact Assessment

    Ensure that you understand the requirements of B Corp Certification and identify the right policies and practices to put in place as your company grows. The prospective B Impact Assessment does not need to be verified by B Lab, and you will receive no verified score.

  • Sign the Pending B Corp Agreement and pay a one-time fee of £250.

    Because a company must be able to complete the B Corp legal requirement to be a Pending B Corp, the status is not available to all corporate structures and locations. Use the Legal Requirement Tool to determine if your company will be able to complete the Pending B Corp requirements.

After twelve months, Pending B Corps go through the full B Corp Certification process. However, with a head start on the legal requirement and full knowledge of the B Impact Assessment, you should have everything you need to certify with confidence.

Pending B Corp status is available only to companies with less than 12 months of operations.

For further details visit